
Technoleon is our cloud based sports data intelligence software platform. Technoleon was developed from the idea to finally connect different worlds like science, data analysis, technology and the daily practice of football coaches and staff. In Technoleon we present you all data of skills tests, questionnaires, training and match performance data, predictions, etc., from the perspective of talent identification and development.

Now players and coaches can instantly compare performance indicators from matches and training sessions over time. Select a team and predict the team’s Passing Performance or Goals. With Technoleon every coach will be able to take better and more objective decisions in how to compose training sessions, develop players and match performance to the next level!.

Overview and Physical Data

 Pass performance and Match Analysis

Passing Data and Player Performance

Physical Progression Data

Download Performance parameters

There are multiple ways to feed the Technoleon Platform:


Mobile data- tracking  of players & smart ball during matches and training. We develop predictive parameters and data-models for talent identification and development.



A broad range of tests is available on the level of ballcontrol, game insight, passing, dribbling, motor coordination, cognitive, awareness, mental, etc.


Next to performance analysis, it isimportant to monitor talents’s mental and physical well-being. Via our mobile App we offer standard and customized questionnaires and tools. 
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With smart (sensor) technology inside our Tech.Football and ProTechtors, any talent can improve his of her performance. Challenging data dashboards will help them to reach their next level.   
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In this web application we present you all data of 
training and match performance, skills tests, 
questionnaires and products. Here  
a coach can compare players, matches and 
training sessions and development over time.  
shop now



Perfomance & Data Analysis System

With GenGee’s INSAIT PRO KS, we introduce a performance and data analysis system with which all dreams come true from players, coaches, analysts and scientists.


Live football statistics of your team showed in real time on your Ipad. Let data help you to improve the performance of your team immediately.

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Passing performance
The aim of this project is to develop a program that can be used to predict the chance of the arrival of a pass. These predictions can be used to evaluate and compare the performances of
individual players.

It all starts with technique. This relatively easy test was designed specifically to test the basic skills of ballcontrol. The Insait Joy Tech.Football is connnected to the app through intelligent technology (Tech Inside). The ball measures frequency, fluency and numbers of several different drills.

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Forward Football / gives the opportunity to gain insight into cognitive, physical, technical, tactical and mental skills/abilities through scientific questionnaires and customized in consultation with the club. Every player and/or trainer can easily fill out these questionnaires via the Technoleon mobile application and view the performance results per individual or team in Technoleon.

We develop daily, weekly or periodic questionnaires so that trainers and the club are informed about the performance of players at any time of the day. In addition, with the help of periodic questionnaires the effectiveness of training can be measured and together with the club we create a database to develop benchmarks to identify the DNA of the next youth First Team player.

Possible area’s
There are many areas in which we are active and in which we can implement an improvement track. Some examples may be: Awareness, Mental, Technical, Tactical and Psysical.


Technoleon is our cloud based sports data intelligence software platform. Technoleon was developed from the idea to finally connect different worlds like science, data analysis, technology and the daily practice of football coaches and staff. In Technoleon we present you all data of skills tests, questionnaires, training and match performance data, predictions, etc., from the perspective of talent identification and development.

Now players and coaches can instantly compare performance indicators from matches and training sessions over time. Select a team and predict the team’s Passing Performance or Goals. With Technoleon every coach will be able to take better and more objective decisions in how to compose training sessions, develop players and match performance to the next level!.

Overview and match performance (player)

Pass performance and match analysis (player)

Passing data and player performance (coach)

Compare each player (coach)

There are multiple ways to feed the Technoleon Platform:


Mobile data- tracking  of players & smart ball during matches and training. We develop predictive parameters and data-models for talent identification and development.



A broad range of tests is available on the level of ballcontrol, game insight, passing, dribbling, motor coordination, cognitive, awareness, mental, etc.


Next to performance analysis, it isimportant to monitor talents’s mental and physical well-being. Via our mobile App we offer standard and customized questionnaires and tools. 
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With smart (sensor) technology inside our Tech.Football and ProTechtors, any talent can improve his of her performance. Challenging data dashboards will help them to reach their next level.   
shop now


In this web application we present you all data of 
training and match performance, skills tests, 
questionnaires and products. Here  
a coach can compare players, matches and 
training sessions and development over time.  
shop now



Perfomance & Data Analysis System

With GenGee’s INSAIT PRO KS, we introduce a performance and data analysis system with which all dreams come true from players, coaches, analysts and scientists.


Live football statistics of your team showed in real time on your Ipad. Let data help you to improve the performance of your team immediately.

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Passing performance
The aim of this project is to develop a program that can be used to predict the chance of the arrival of a pass. These predictions can be used to evaluate and compare the performances of
individual players.

It all starts with technique. This relatively easy test was designed specifically to test the basic skills of ballcontrol. The Insait Joy Tech.Football is connnected to the app through intelligent technology (Tech Inside). The ball measures frequency, fluency and numbers of several different drills.

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Forward Football / gives the opportunity to gain insight into cognitive, physical, technical, tactical and mental skills/abilities through scientific questionnaires and customized in consultation with the club. Every player and/or trainer can easily fill out these questionnaires via the Technoleon mobile application and view the performance results per individual or team in Technoleon.

We develop daily, weekly or periodic questionnaires so that trainers and the club are informed about the performance of players at any time of the day. In addition, with the help of periodic questionnaires the effectiveness of training can be measured and together with the club we create a database to develop benchmarks to identify the DNA of the next youth First Team player.

Possible area’s
There are many areas in which we are active and in which we can implement an improvement track. Some examples may be: Awareness, Mental, Technical, Tactical and Psysical

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