Football Skills Test

A slalom, sprint, backward dribble, figure 8 and passing parcours.

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Does the player have a good action speed and how is the ballcontrol and passefficiency?

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Coordination Tests

Does the player have the right mobility and moving skills for the perfect thechnical execution of the pass?

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Sports Vision

Is the player aware of the positions of his or her teammates and defenders and can he or she process the information quickly in order to act right?

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Game Insight

Does the player create space for him or herself, after the right visual cues in order to receive the ball?

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Pass Test

The Passing Test gives insight in the ball/passing skills of a player. Pass accuracy, ball controll and decision making are important.

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Football Skills Test

The Football Skills Track measures the dribble skills and ball control of a player. A player is expected to complete a parcours as quickly as possible. Factors as dribble speed, maneuverability and accuracy are important. The end score is the time in seconds the player needed to complete the parcours. Based on the shot at the end, a time penalty can be given of 1 (post) or 2 (miss) seconds. 


It all starts with technique. This relatively easy test was designed specifically to test the basic skills of ballcontrol. The Insait Joy Tech.Football is connnected to the app through intelligent technology (Tech Inside). The ball measures frequency, fluency and numbers of several different drills.

Coordination Tests

With the ktk3+ the general motor coordination skills can be measured. The test measured four different components of coordinationmoving sideways (on a straight line with two wooden platforms), hopping sideways (back and forth over a beam), hand-eye coordination (throw and catch a tennis balland balance (on three different beam sizes). For every section it was important to take the most steps, perform the most jumps or throw and catch the most within a specific time. Point can be achieved for all of the components and with the sum of all points the MQ-score can be calculated (like IQ scores) 


Sports vision

In sports, almost 80% of perceptual input is visual. Just because athletes can see clearly doesn’t mean they can ascertain where an object is in space, how fast it’s traveling, or if it’s changing direction. RightEye Sports Vision identifies opportunities to strengthen performance by:

  • Objectively quantifying athletic performance by gathering the amplitude and velocity of rapid, involuntary, and oscillatory ocular movements
  • Comparing vision skill from a range of levels from youth to professional
  • Improving sports vision with customized training programs and drills

Game Insight

In the Game Insight Test the player watches soccer specific videos which stop -80 ms before, during (0ms) or +80 ms after a pass is given. The player needs to position himself as fast as possible in order to receive the ball. The score is based on a combination of chosen direction (left, middle or right), chosen area (one of the six areas) and time (as fast as possible).The XBOX Kinect Sensor registers the position over time of the football player during the test. We use this data to find out whether the player was fast enough to receive the ball if it was a real game, looking at the flight time of the ball. Is the player able to predict where the ball is coming and can he position himself quick and correct in order to receive the ball?

Pass Test

The passing test gives insight in the ball/passing skills of a player. Pass accuracy, ball controll and decision making are important.

Football Skills Test

The Football Skills Track measures the dribble skills and ball control of a player. A player is expected to complete a parcours as quickly as possible. Factors as dribble speed, maneuverability and accuracy are important. The end score is the time in seconds the player needed to complete the parcours. Based on the shot at the end, a time penalty can be given of 1 (post) or 2 (miss) seconds. 


It all starts with technique. This relatively easy test was designed specifically to test the basic skills of ballcontrol. The Insait Joy Tech.Football is connnected to the app through intelligent technology (Tech Inside). The ball measures frequency, fluency and numbers of several different drills.

Coordination Tests

With the ktk3+ the general motor coordination skills can be measured. The test measured four different components of coordination: moving sideways (on a straight line with two wooden platforms), hopping sideways (back and forth over a beam), hand-eye coordination (throw and catch a tennis balland balance (on three different beam sizes). For every section it was important to take the most steps, perform the most jumps or throw and catch the most within a specific time. Point can be achieved for all of the components and with the sum of all points the MQ-score can be calculated (like IQ scores) 

Sports vision

In sports, almost 80% of perceptual input is visual. Just because athletes can see clearly doesn’t mean they can ascertain where an object is in space, how fast it’s traveling, or if it’s changing direction. RightEye Sports Vision identifies opportunities to strengthen performance by:

  • Objectively quantifying athletic performance by gathering the amplitude and velocity of rapid, involuntary, and oscillatory ocular movements
  • Comparing vision skill from a range of levels from youth to professional
  • Improving sports vision with customized training programs and drills

Game Insight

In the Game Insight Test the player watches soccer specific videos which stop -80 ms before, during (0ms) or +80 ms after a pass is given. The player needs to position himself as fast as possible in order to receive the ball. The score is based on a combination of chosen direction (left, middle or right), chosen area (one of the six areas) and time (as fast as possible).The XBOX Kinect Sensor registers the position over time of the football player during the test. We use this data to find out whether the player was fast enough to receive the ball if it was a real game, looking at the flight time of the ball. Is the player able to predict where the ball is coming and can he position himself quick and correct in order to receive the ball?

Pass Test

The passing test gives insight in the ball/passing skills of a player. Pass accuracy, ball controll and decision making are important.